The EECERJ, the Journal of EECERA, is one of the most prestigious early childhood journals in the world. It is one of only four early years journals indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information. The ISI is highly selective of the journals in the citation databases and indices it maintains. EECERJ is located in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). EECERJ is peer reviewed, scholarly and is particular interested in research which has application.
EECERJ is issued six times annually and now is in its 30th year of publication. It has become a world leader in the field. EECERJ is published by Taylor & Francis.
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Latest articles
- Reflections from the higher education classroom: the role of playful pedagogy in the professional formation of early childhood students
- Professional development for ethical practice transformation
- Professional development opportunities and a newly built daycare center: incentives in ECEC teacher job advertisements in Finland
- Qualitative study on Social-Emotional Learning for Teachers (SELF-T): a professional development intervention promoting early childhood educators' knowledge of emotional well-being
- Praxeological action research: a Froebelian approach for professional development, flourishment and wellbeing
- ‘How are rainbows made?': profiles of early childhood teachers' beliefs and their associations with responses to young children's causal questions
- Estonian and Finnish early childhood education teachers’ views of well-being and changes at work during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Exploring young children’s self and others: integrating visual diaries and the digital emotional expression application in art education
Supporting Guidance for Authors & Reviewers
Our publishers, Taylor & Francis, provide comprehensive guidance for authors at their Author Services website
EECERJ provides supporting guidance for authors and reviewers as detailed in the attached PDFs listed below:
- How to get published
- How to get your research read
- How to referee
- How to submit your article
- How to promote your article
- How to optimise citations to your article
- Enhancing and promoting the visibility and impact of your research
- How to become a Reviewer
If you are not already an EECERJ reviewer and would like to be considered, and you have a PhD or equivalent, you are invited to send your shortened CV to the Co-ordinating Editor, Tony Bertram, and we will be in touch with you.