SIG Meetings 2020

Please find below a list of EECERA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) meetings which will be convened virtually in lieu of the meetings hosted as part of EECERA Annual Conference.

Meeting times vary; please follow links to individual SIG meetings for times, paying close attention to time zones and different ways they have been determined by organisers (e.g. CEST, UTC, GMT, etc.).

More events and details will be added as and when they become available.

If you’re looking for information regarding a SIG meeting that’s not listed already, please contact the SIG Convenor(s).

7 -SepMathematics Birth to Eight YearsContact SIG Convenors or join the dedicated FB group for updates.
8-10 Sep Digital Childhoods +STEMVisit the dedicated EECERA SIG page for details; follow the group on FB and Twitter for updates.
8 SepGender BalanceVisit the dedicated EECERA SIG page for details; follow the group on FB for updates.
8 SepTransitionsMore information tbc. Visit the dedicated EECERA SIG page or follow the group on FB for updates.
9 SepMultilingual ChildhoodsVisit the dedicated EECERA SIG page or their WordPress website for details.
10 SepTransforming Assessment, Evaluation and Documentation in Early Childhood PedagogyMore information tbc; follow the group on FB and Twitter for updates, or contact the SIG Convenors.
11 SepRethinking PlayVisit the dedicated EECERA SIG page for details
15 SepProfessionalism in Early Childhood Education and CareVisit the dedicated EECERA SIG page for details
25 OctChildren from Refugee or Migrant BackgroundsVisit the dedicated EECERA SIG page for details; follow the group on Facebook

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